Research Computing Teams #120, 30 Apr 2022
A reader wrote in to ask:
We have a new summer intern starting in a few weeks who I will be directly supervising. Although I have been the technical/project lead on various projects throughout my career, this is my first time having a direct report (even though it will be temporary!). I was wondering if you had any “go to” or favorite literature for managing in a technical setting.
Congratulations to them, and this is a great question. It’s such a great question that I’m disappointed to discover that I didn’t have handy resources to immediately share with them, and I’d love to hear what your recommendations are.
In research computing, probably the two most common ways people find themselves managing is to be promoted to lead their existing team, or the more gradual approach which is to start with one or more interns/co-ops/grad students/trainees/etc.
But very few of the resources we discuss in the newsletter - I maintain a small list here - are for this second case. Which is weird! A new intern or trainee for a summer is a really common starting point for a lead/manager, and it’s something I greatly encourage, for a number of reasons (like improving your hiring and onboarding pipeline.) But it’s different in key ways than managing a regular employee:
- The balance of goals is different - while “career development” and “work of the team gets done” are both important for all staff, the balance shifts significantly towards “career development” for trainees. There is correctly lot of emphasis on making sure the intern has something to show on their CV at the end,
- Because of the time-limited nature of an internship, the scope of is usually much narrower, and ensuring you have very crisply scoped projects or tasks for the intern ahead of time is vital,
- Interns are much earlier on in their career path, so they are a lot less independent both in terms of domain knowledge and just general functioning in a work culture. So there’s a lot of teaching of domain knowledge, modelling of work culture, and the interns benefit from and require more frequent feedback even than regular employees.
(By the way, I want to emphasize that last one. Interns WANT FEEDBACK. The last three co-op students I was responsible for mentoring, when we had a “first month review” - it’s in a checklist I share later on - all said that the thing they wanted more of was feedback and evaluation. They were high achievers, and are doing the internship to develop their skills. They craved knowing how they were doing and how to imrpove. If they didn’t hear that they were doing well, they worried they were doing badly. Don’t deprive your interns, or your full time staff, of feedback!)
Some of these things make managing an intern easier, or at least front loads the work (clear tasks) and some make it harder (much more junior). And of course because it’s often one’s first management responsibility, it’s harder still.
I asked around in the #research-computing-and-data channel of Rands Leadership Slack, and people their suggested (paraphrasing, to be consistent with the Chatham House Rules of that group):
- Plan to spend a lot of time supporting the intern, particularly but not solely at the beginning
- Be very clear around goals from the outset -
- What is the main goal for the intern: what deliverables will they provide, what will they learn
- What is the main goal for the organization from the internship: getting things done, maybe, but also a hiring pipeline
- Provide learning resources ahead of time for the intern
- An intern can accomplish a lot given the resources and support
All of which is excellent advice! This workplace stack exchange answer, pinned to an archived managing interns channel, is also useful.
For new managers of permanent full-time staff, I usually recommend three big things to focus on - one-on-ones (to build and maintain trust and lines of communication), feedback (to set expectations and keep people on track), and delegation (letting go of tasks).
But one’s probably not going to delegate huge chunks of one’s job to an intern (they won’t be there long enough and they probably have fairly well-defined work to do), and while one-on-ones are worth doing, you’ll probably be keeping a pretty close eye on their work, so the emphasis will be different. So my suggestions for starting with an intern would be to focus on two things, feedback and one-on-ones as a communication mechanism.
- Practice giving super frequent feedback (say 5:1 or 10:1 positive:negative, and at least one piece of feedback daily) - Jacob Kaplan-Moss summarizes three feedback models with links to the original
- Take a look at any of the one-on-one resources on that page, or any others you may have seen; after the first week or so start having one-on-ones weekly (I say after the first week because you’ll probably be talking with them roughly daily for the first week).
The usual one-on-one formula typically has some time put aside for the future/career development - I’d say if you want to make it a really valuable experience for the intern (and they will tell their classmates, which makes a significant difference when getting your next interns) one useful way to spend some of that time is, in the first few weeks, finding out what they want to be doing next, and then as they start accomplishing things, helping them express those as resume-friendly bullet points in a running list through the term, ideally with something they can show as a portfolio. It helps keep them motivated, and helps you know what’s important to interns these days which in turn helps you advertise for them better.
Also, towards the end (assuming of course you’re happy with how it went) if you sketch out a couple-paragraph letter of reference for them describing what they did and post that as a LinkedIn recommendation, that goes a long way too (and as a side effect leaves you with a record of what’s been accomplished, and a reminder about who they are in case they end up applying for a job in the future).
The other big thing is offboarding the intern. We all know this intellectually, but the big thing is making sure whatever knowledge they’ve learned doesn’t disappear with them. Having a really robust plan for how they’ll document things, and verifying it repeatedly towards the end of their time with you is essential. We all say “well yes, of course” when that’s brought up, and yet we are all without fail surprised when they’ve left and something isn’t documented and no one knows how they’ve done something. Having some process involving them giving walk throughs, demos, talks, or whatever to someone on their way out both helps them with developing professional communication skills and helps you collect needed knowledge.
One way to approach this is to have a documented process for hiring, onboarding, supporting, and offboarding the intern. The first time or two through the process, it’ll be laughably off-base, and that’s fine. Once something is documented the process can iteratively improve over time, which is the key thing. It’s really hard to improve a process that isn’t documented. If it’s documented, you can update it through and at the end of the process.
To try to help, the question spurred me to clean up and make suitable for sharing a starting-point intern onboarding/support/offboarding checklist. It’s just a google doc checklist-style list of bullet points, and it geared towards a more project-based software development internship, but hopefully it will be useful to other intern managers as well.
So how about you, gentle reader? Do you have internship resources, tips, or advice for the reader who posed the question, or for the readership in general? Please let me know - just hit reply or email to
With that, on to the roundup! It’s a bit short today, because it’s been that kind of a week.
Managing Teams
Having Career Conversations - Joe Lynch
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, mentorship only goes beyond cheap advice-giving if you’re willing to dig in a little deeper to the questions and answers being presented to you.
Part of every manager and lead’s job is to support the career development of their team members. And that means having career conversations with them. That means digging deep. Lynch prods us to go beyond the superficial of what the team member says their goals are, and to understand the (usually multiple) motivations behind the goals. People, especially but certainly not only juniors, often trip over the XY problem in setting their career goals. They ask for help with X so they can do Y, when it’s not a given that Y is even what they really want, much less that X is the way to get it.
Beyond that, Lynch emphasizes:
- Trust is needed for these conversations
- These are ongoing conversations
- There needs to be shared expectations about the level of confidentiality of the conversations
- You have to be prepared for the high likelihood that once enough time passes, these conversations will eventually lead to conclusions that the team member will have to pursue their goals outside of the team or even the organization. That’s ok. People happily moving on is good and healthy. A team of “lifers” isn’t a healthy team, and shouldn't be a goal.
Lynch gives a number of concrete suggestions, both tactical and more long term, for having these conversations, and if the topic is of interest it’s a short read.
We’ve talked about how candidate packets (e.g. #84) can be a useful part of the hiring process — that documents are posted about the job and hiring process, either (ideally) publicly or as something that every candidate who makes it past initial screening (say) gets. This is a great way to make your organization look more together (and thus more attractive to candidates), and to build alignment across the hiring team about what happens next.
Here’s a sort of FAQ for an organization, Interviewer Questions for “Time by Ping” , based on one of those lists of “Questions you should ask when applying for a job”. Some of the questions are fairly pointed! Being willing to answer those questions in a straightforward way, unprompted and publicly, is another way to make your organization stand out from the 3.2 zillion other orgs hiring for technical computing and data roles.
Technical Leadership
The pushback effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and age in code review - Emerson Murphy-Hill, Ciera Jaspan, Carolyn Egelman, Lan Cheng, Comm ACM 2022
When we’re assessing the technical merits of a code contribution, and by extension assessing letters of reference etc about a candidate’s technical merit, we need to be aware of these effects - non-white, non-male, and older colleagues get significantly higher pushback for PRs, controlling for number of lines changed, readability, and other effects.
Managing Your Own Career
Managing Your Manager - Brie Wolfson
Back in #95 we had an article by Roy Rapoport about manager “guard rails”, introducing us to the idea that there are spectra people tend to fall on when they are leading, like “freedom vs guidance” or “caution vs speed”. There’s no intrinsically bad side to either end of those spectra, although they can be better suited for some environments than others (nuclear plant safety equipment manufactures tend to avoid “move quick and break things” sorts of leaders in their technical staff, one supposes). Rapoport’s article talked about the different failure modes for leaders and the far ends of those spectra, and that you should have ways of detecting if your tendencies are causing problems.
In this really nice article, Wolfson gives a deeper typology of managers (but it could also be stakeholders, or even peers) along six dimensions:
- Develops people ⇌ Delivers outcomes (do they tend to favour developing the people, trusting that over time that will lead to better outcomes, or do they favour focusing on the outcomes, and trust over time that that will provide opportunities for people growth?)
- Craft ⇌ Machinery (do they tend to preferentially focus on the work, or the processes around the work?)
- Uphold conditions ⇌ Challenge conditions (how likely are they to favour stability in the organization vs improve the organization?)
- Assigns tasks ⇌ Assigns goals (In Rapoport’s version, “context vs control”)
- Compassion ⇌ Hero (Roughly, provide support vs provide answers)
- Prefers to see Raw Materials ⇌ Finished work
She also gives very detailed advice about successful ways of working with people who lean strongly to one side or the other of those spectra. The advice is very actionable and helpful; the article is worth reading in its entirety.
Product Management and Working with Research Communities
15 Ideas to Build a Kick-ass Developer Ecosystem - kamal laungani
As with people or project management, the key to product management is not brilliant insights or a certain personality type, but just taking the work seriously and doing it diligently and consistently, while keeping some straightforward strategy and goals in mind.
I’ve said that research computing teams can learn a lot from consultants, and product management experts. If your product is largely software-developer related, say libraries, or data resources available over an API, then DevRel (developer relations) teams are also doing work relevant to you.
Some of the points laungani makes that could easily be relevant for a medium-sized software product in research:
- Define developer persona - both in what they’re trying to accomplish and the amount of expertise/support they have
- Focus on the experience from the developer’s point of view
- Documentation matters and needs to be prioritized
- Run developer programs - training, community champions, certifications (people love certifications)
- Have an events calendar
- Create a video series
An explanation of user stories from the point of view of big scientific software. Probably pretty familiar material to us, but maybe useful as a resource for stakeholders wondering why we want feature requests in a more specific format than just “Make it work better!”.
A preprint advocating for improved reviews of papers and especially preprints: Point of View: Promoting constructive feedback on preprints with the FAST principles by Sandra Franco Iborra, Jessica Polka and Iratxe Puebla, in eLife.
Cool Research Computing Projects
Computational Social Science Research Lab Launched in Singapore - HPC Wire
One of the joys of the last decade or two has been watching research computing and data become part of the mainstream, even in fields where it was all but nonexistent.
Here A*STAR and the Singapore Management University announce a S$ 10M joint lab for data-heavy computational social science, “to address people-centric issues in human health and potential, urban solutions and sustainability domains”.
Research Software Development
We fixed f-string typos in 69 of the most popular Python repos in only one day. Here’s how. - Higher Tier Systems
Cute story here which ties together several topics of interest to research software developers, like the power of static analysis and the challenges of adopting new features.
Maybe more importantly, an issue we’ve covered from #11 to #100 - low quality error-handling and logging code. One of the reasons that a huge swath of the issues with the repos above hadn’t been seen by developers was because they were lurking in error-handling or logging code. Such code is chronically under-reviewed and under-tested, and which at best can make debugging much more difficult, and at worst can cause failures in the parts of the code that are supposed to help reduce failures.
Interesting story about selling GPL software, in this case a mobile app, where (for GPL compliance) the software is provided through the purchased app, but not generally available on, e.g. GitHub. I don’t think this is the approach the community wants in research software development, at least for methods (data analysis or simulation) where we value transparency, but maybe for more general tooling?
The more usual pay-for-support or pay-for-hosting seems to me a little bit more research computing and data friendly, but it’s good to be open to other approaches.
Good extensive overview of C++ 20 Ranges, and their use with non-modifying algorithms (like search or for_each).
Research Data Management and Analysis
Using Uber's H3 hex grid in PostGIS - Ryan Lambert
Lambert gives a nice tutorial overview of using a postgres extension, H3, in the PostGIS, a spacial database extender. I’m not GIS-y enough to summarize it in any sensible level of detail, but it’s a really clear walkthrough.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that data-intensive computing, especially AI, is the current driver for big compute, even for HPE which owns venerable HPC shop Cray. Here’s Next Platform’s take on HPE’s announcement of its own AI stack (software + hardware). Relatedly, here’s HPC Wire’s summary of a talk given by NERSC’s Wahid Bhimji, of “AI for Science - Early Lessons from NERSC’s Perlmutter Supercomputer”.
Richard Pelgrim of Coiled walks us through Common Mistakes to Avoid when Using Dask. I cannot agree enough with this sentiment:
We all love our CSV files. They’ve served us well over the past decades and we are grateful to them for their service…but it’s time to let them go.
Research Computing Systems
Incident management best practices: before the incident - Robert Ross
Incident Analysis 101: Techniques for Sharing Incident Findings - Vanessa Huerta Granda
You’ll know, gentle reader, that I’m a big proponent of learning from incidents, and sharing them with researchers who after all deserve to know why they couldn’t do their work for some period of time. Here’s a pair] of good articles about preparing for an incident, and putting together and sharing the incident report afterwards.
In the first article, Ross talks about clarifying ownership for various services and systems, and clarifying the roles that need to be taken up during an incident. In the US, FEMA has roles for Commander, Mitigator, Planning, and Communication - deciding, doing, figuring out next steps, and communicating internally and externally. All of those tasks need to be done, but for smaller teams managing smaller incidents, one might want to combine those tasks into a smaller number of roles. Then the process - when an incident is called (what’s the threshold?) and what the process is once called needs to be clarified.
With the clarification done, you check your knowledge and for incidents the way you prepare for anything - practicing on dry runs, including with communication.
In the second article, Granda talks about the why's and how's of writing up the findings of an after-incident review. The benefits include transparency to users, which helps build trust. But benefits also include clarifying the lessons learned by the team and documenting things so that knowledge can be shared, revisited, and built upon. We’re in the science business - when new things are learned we should write them up and publish them! Granda walks us through the process and even gives us a template.
Making operational work more visible - Lorin Hochstein
In the f-string failure article in software development, I pointed out that log and error handling code was under-reviewed and tested. There’s probably a bigger lesson one can take from that on the undervaluing of supporting or glue or infrastructure work compared to “core” work.
And sure enough, one of the huge downsides of operations work is that when everything goes well, it’s invisible.
Above, Granda walks us through writing up an incident report and sharing it so that users (in our case, researchers) know what’s going on, and so that we build a pool of knowledge internally with the team. Hochstein suggests doing the same, for the same reasons, with incidents that don’t happen, and with routine debugging and improving of performance behind the scene:
Here’s the standing agenda for each issue: Brief recap, How did you figure out what the problem was, How did you resolve it? Anything notable/challenging? (e.g., diagnosing, resolving)
Getting in the habit of writing up and sharing — internally and externally — all the routine but notable work of Operations teams has the same benefits of writing up big incidents. It improves transparency, is generally pretty interesting to a small subset of users, it builds a knowledge base, and it builds trust.
We’ve talked about “diasterpiece theatre” before - testing a system’s resilience by intentionally breaking something and sitting around to watch it play out. Here’s what happened when Dropbox unplugged one of its datacenters to test its disaster recovery.
The writeup on Slack’s big downtime on Feb 22 (my first day on the new job, which was awkward!)
OpenbSSF’s Package Analysis tool for scanning open source packages for malicious behaviour.
Interesting - fine-grained DAG workflows for heterogeneous computing: pathos.
zq, a jq-like tool with a rememberable syntax.
In possibly-related "if your product is hard to use, people won't want to use it" news: the case against SELinux.
If you're like me, most of your OS knowledge comes from OSes managing homogenous cores. Here's a nice read on how MacOS manages M1's "Performance" and "Efficiency" cores.
Speaking of - the M1 Ultra is well and properly fast on a classic single-node fluid dynamics benchmark.
It's always possible to clear at least one line in tetris.
Learn more than you expected about PCIe and standards complience as you read one person's story of trying to get a graphics card plugged externally to a Raspberry Pi.
Remember the Red Book and the Blue Book? The history of postscript.
That’s it…
And that’s it for another week. Let me know what you thought, or if you have anything you’d like to share about the newsletter or management. Just email me or reply to this newsletter if you get it in your inbox.
Have a great weekend, and good luck in the coming week with your research computing team,
About This Newsletter
Research computing - the intertwined streams of software development, systems, data management and analysis - is much more than technology. It’s teams, it’s communities, it’s product management - it’s people. It’s also one of the most important ways we can be supporting science, scholarship, and R&D today.
So research computing teams are too important to research to be managed poorly. But no one teaches us how to be effective managers and leaders in academia. We have an advantage, though - working in research collaborations have taught us the advanced management skills, but not the basics.
This newsletter focusses on providing new and experienced research computing and data managers the tools they need to be good managers without the stress, and to help their teams achieve great results and grow their careers.
Jobs Leading Research Computing Teams
This week’s new-listing highlights are below; the full listing of 134 jobs is, as ever, available on the job board.
Project Manager, Health Data and Strategic Partnerships - Vector Institute, Toronto ON CA
Reporting to the Director, Health Data and Strategic Partnerships, the Project Manager will ensure the coordination of Vector health AI strategic development plans and projects, including data governance and repository-related activities, liaising with internal and external stakeholders to advance discussions, plans, and completion of project deliverables.
Director Office of Institutional Research - University of Illinois, Chicago, Chicago IL USA
This position leads a team responsible for the collection, analysis, interpretation, communication and maintenance of data, both internal and external, to drive institutional decision-making. Manages the operations of the Office of Institutional Research and is charged with the development and maintenance of an institutional data and analytics infrastructure; creation of university dashboards and reports; and handling all internal and external requests for institutional data, including governmental agency reporting requirements, ranking entities, IPEDS and all other accrediting or reporting agencies. Represents UIC on various task forces for coordinating statewide higher education data and performance measurement of institutional effectiveness.
Engineering Lead – Scientific Computing Platform - AstraZeneca, Cambridge or Macclesfield UK or Gaithersburg MD or Waltham MA USA or Toronto ON CA or Gothenburg SE
The SCP Engineering Lead will both lead an agile engineering team and set the technical strategies to meet future scientific computing needs, where machine learning and AI are increasingly playing a major role in drug discovery at AstraZeneca. We are seeking a highly motivated and dynamic engineering manager with a track record of empowering people and fostering an inclusive team culture where collaboration and engineering excellence thrive. You will bring a wealth of experience in the design and operation of scale-out enterprise platforms, and have the expertise to lead a globally distributed agile DevOps team.
GPU Network Software Development Manager - AMD, Austin TX USA
As a software development manager, you will lead a team of talented computer scientists and software engineers developing GPU network software for high performance computing and machine learning workloads as part of the AMD Radeon Open Ecosystem (ROCm) . The work spans all levels of the stack, including the Linux kernel / network device driver level, RDMA Verbs, Libfabrics and UCX, MPI/SHMEM and machine learning specific collective libraries like RCCL .
Software Technical Lead, ROCm GPU Math Libraries - AMD, Austin TX USA
The ROCm GPU math libraries team develops software for the latest innovations that power the ultimate computing experience provided by our AMD Instinct GPUs. The highly tuned libraries are developed with C++, Python, HIP and GPU assembly programming by dedicated teams supporting latest AI and HPC software and hardware technologies. To grow these libraries with rich features and support customers at scale, the code development must follow great software design principles while striving for simplicity, ease-of-maintenance, and extensibility. The successful candidate for this role will be an integral part of our GPU Matrix & Tensor compute libraries team (comprising open-source projects such as Tensile, rocBLAS, rocWMMA) by working on software framework, maintainable code development, code refactoring, performance tuning, debug, maintenance, and release support.
Manager Data Science, Procurement - Johnson & Johnson, Toronto ON CA
Provides data science and analytics project/program development, leadership, and delivery using advanced analytics and innovative visualization techniques. Understands business needs via voice of customer analyses with stakeholders and customers, translates key findings to viable analytical projects that can be scaled and deployed worldwide, develops solution strategies that can be followed to meet customer needs
Quantum Computing Research Lead - 1QBit, Vancouver BC CA
As a research lead, you will have the opportunity to work with the executive team to define exciting long term research roadmaps and direction, help grow the research team and collaborate with world-leading scientists at our partner research organizations, as well as a pioneering team of peers. You will be able to get your hands on cutting-edge quantum computing platforms, have a front-row seat in ground-breaking developments in the field, and drive your team to contribute to it. You are encouraged to think creatively and help define our research path toward the application of NISQ to practical chemistry problems.
Senior Research Software Engineer, Supercomputing Wales - Cardiff University, Cardiff UK
Applicants must hold a PhD in a relevant area of computational physical science, or have equivalent relevant industrial experience, and must have demonstrable parallel-programming and software engineering skills that support HPC-enabled research activities. They must also have a proven portfolio of research and/or industrial experience that includes computational electronic structure theory or large-scale atomistic simulation of molecules and/or solids, together with algorithms for high-performance computing. Manage, supervise and develop other research staff within own research projects where this is consistent with the aims of the Supercomputing Wales project
Associate Managing Director, High Performance Computing Centre - Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX USA
Assists the Managing Director with the management, directing and daily operations of all High Performance Computer Center (HPCC) services and resources. Responsible for management and direction of supervised staff. Supervise daily resource operations for the HPCC. Assist, as needed, with Advising research groups on campus as to the effectiveness of HPCC resources as well as encouraging these groups to apply for national resources. Assist with budget preparation for HPCC.
Senior Technical Product Manager - Research Triangle Institute, Durhan MC USA
The Data Integration, Reporting, and Analytics (DIRA) Group in the Research Computing Division at RTI International has an opening for a Senior Technical Program Manager to provide client-facing technical leadership and management oversight to projects focused on development of cloud-based informatics workflows, high-performance computing methods, data interoperability, and analysis of complex data sets. We are seeking a highly motivated and talented leader who combines deep technical skills (in areas of data, computing, or product development) with excellent translational communication skills. The ideal candidate will be as comfortable coordinating the efforts of highly specialized colleagues as they are diving into the technical work directly. A fundamental understanding of biology, programming or analysis experience, the ability to communicate technical ideas, and demonstrated client-facing leadership experience are essential.
Senior Product Manager, Technical, Genomics, Health AI - AWS, Santa Clara CA USA
The AWS Health AI team is looking for a stellar Sr. Technical Product Manager join the genomics team. Our products (like Amazon Genomics CLI) make it easy for Healthcare and Life Science customers to use Big Data and Machine Learning to get better insights for research and better outcomes for patients. You will work with a diverse team brought together and motivated by work that improves people’s lives, while being challenged on a daily basis.
Machine learning / High Performance Compute Release Manager - AMD, Markham ON CA
As release program manager in AMD’s machine learning software engineering team, you will drive end-to-end delivery of leading-edge technology in high performance GPU-accelerated compute and machine learning for the Radeon Open Compute software stack. You will learn about how the power of open-source software can be applied to solve real-world problems. You will interact with product management, customers, software and hardware engineering teams, quality assurance and operations in a new and growing team.
Manager, AMD Research - AMD, Santa Clara CA USA
You have demonstrated leadership skills, excellent communication skills, and a proven history of driving others to create new business opportunities. You have managed and mentored a top-tier group of researchers spanning multiple technical disciplines and various levels of experience. You are energized to bring together ideas and teams to work on hard problems with high potential value.
Director, Research Security - University of Toronto, Toronto ON CA
Reporting to the Associate Vice-President, International Partnerships, the Director, Research Security is responsible for identifying, developing, and implementing strategies to meet the security objectives of the University relating to research, innovation, international and commercialization activities within the Division of the Vice-President Research & Innovation (VPRI), the Office of the Vice-President International (OVPI) and the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). The Director, Research Security is responsible for assessing and engaging with government officials on the identification and mitigation of research security threats. The Director, Research Security will serve as a key resource and advisor to senior leadership in both central and academic divisions, for best practices and policy development regarding research security, including data governance, partnership and geopolitical risks, cybersecurity, and other activities with direction from the Research Partnership Security Working Group.
Senior Machine Learning Engineering Lead - Borealis AI, Montreal QC CA
As a Senior Machine Learning Engineering Lead, you will manage a team of managers and engineers involved in multiple ML projects. You will support those projects through the entire lifecycle—from research experimentation through to implementing applications and solutions and deploying them to production. You will provide your team with technical leadership, mentorship and guidance. You will work along other senior managers in engineering and across Borealis AI to help achieve our strategic goals. As a people manager you will be responsible for growing your team and fostering their career development and growth.
Machine Learning Engineering Lead - Borealis AI, Toronto ON CA
As a Machine Learning Engineering Lead, you’ll be responsible for owning and delivering a project end to end – everything from data pre-processing to implementing machine learning training pipelines and deploying inference in a production environment. You’ll be directly managing a team of machine learning engineers, responsible for strategic planning, execution and delivery. You will provide your team with technical leadership and mentorship. You will work along other engineering leads across Borealis AI. As a people manager you will be responsible for growing your team and fostering career growth of the engineers.
Accelerator - Data Scientist Lead - Sanofi, Gentilly FR
You are a dynamic data scientist interested in challenging the status quo to ensure development and impact of Sanofi's AI solutions for the patients of tomorrow. You are an influencer and leader who has deployed AI/ML solutions applying state-of-the art algorithms with technically robust lifecycle management. You have a keen eye for improvement opportunities and a demonstrated ability to deliver AI/ML solutions while working across different technologies and in a cross-functional environment
Head of Data Architecture - Sanofi, Bridgewater NJ USA or Toronto ON CA or Barcelona ES
As senior member of the Digital Data team, the head of data architecture will play a hands-on leadership role to lead, develop and enhance the data architecture team. He or She will be responsible for the overall data architecture coherence and state of the art data platforms. Digital Data architecture team is in charge of setting the enterprise standards, reviewing and/or implementing solutions and services transversally in collaboration with the different data verticals (Data engineering, Data Dev Ops, visual engineering, Data Domain functions). This leader will ensure internal and external solutions are consistent to the overall strategies across Sanofi, relevant roadmaps, and internal standards where appropriate.
Program Manager, Data Science - City of Richmond, Richmond BC CA
The Data Science Architect manages and controls the increasingly complex data integrations required between the City’s applications and Data Analytics platform to design and deliver advanced analytics solution required by business departments. The role understands the customers’ data analytics needs and recommend solutions. The role controls the complexity of the platform by employing techniques that include designing common data schemas, building reusable pipelines/integrations, and documenting requirements/models/solutions.